Trichotillomania Blogs

Pull freedom for life IS achievable. Make an appointment for a video chat so we can explain more.

Read about people who have achieved permanent pull freedom and others who manage it on an ongoing basis.

Want to post about your own unique journey resisting pulling? We highly recommed this trichotillomania forum, unusual because it is not a pity party but a blueprint for recovery.

Realising that other people feel the same can have a motivating effect. Here we plan to list some links to other people’s blogs and vlogs (video logs). If you’d like to submit yours please contact us; we’re happy to support the trichotillomania community in any way we can.

Please also see our Facebook page and our Twitter page.

A Girl with Trich

Other Links:

Read about some of our members and how they 

have grown to manage, and in many cases, 

overcome, hair pulling.

Recovery Expert

Recovery Expert

One pull or pick free coach, for the whole of your time with us. Minimum specialist trichotilllomania recovery ten years.

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Accounts of people with trichotillomania

The BFRB blogs and experiences described in this section may be disturbing so don’t read on unless you’re sure you are up to it.

how can I stop pulling my hair out

Adam Alpa Anna
Anne Angela Annette
Athena Caillin Caroline
Carrie Cathy Christine
Clarkie Cleo Donna
Ellen Faith H
Holly Iris Jan
Jane Jason Jayne
Jess Jo Joanna
Joanne Kat Kati
Kristina Krystal Laura
Lisa Lisa W Louise
Lucy Mairen Mike
Neil – OCD Patience
Robin Sandy Sara
Shannon Terri Tracey
Your story goes here    

We also want to hear from you : Submit your own story soon.

We are particularly interested in success stories, and there are very many people on the site who have achieved long-term freedom from pulling.