About Section

Our Research

We have collected data from over 34,000 people with Trichotillomania from all over the world, people of all ages and backgrounds. Our results have given us much insight into the disorder and how it affects people. Our main results are shown here, click each topic for a more detailed report of our findings. Please check back here regularly as we are continually updating with new research about hair pulling and BFRBs. We are always happy to help improve knowledge of trichotillomania in any way we can.

Our Results So Far:

Age of Onset of Trichotillomania 
Age of onset does seem to be decreasing, but our research found that the average age people start hair pulling is 12 years old.


confidence 2

Trichotillomania Support asked 1,618 people with trichotillomania about their confidence. 

The majority said they were a little shy but at times could be quite confident.   Almost as many said that they were very confident except for their pulling.

14.03% felt they were of average confidence.

A small amount said they just didn’t like people. 

Trichotillomania Support (2019)


Gender: Christenson’s study of 2,500 college students suggests a ratio of 2 females to every 1 male hair puller. Our online survey showed just 1 in 10 tricsters who completed our questionnaire are male. There may be many reasons for this difference, such as it may affect more young males, men may be less likely to visit our site, or to complete our questionnaire.

Most Common Triggers:

stress, boredom, anxiety, watching TV, reading, sitting down, thinking, nerves. Read more

Most Common Helpers:

keeping busy, determination, doing something with my hands, being around people, moving about. Read more detailed Info

Most Common Helpers:

split ends 2

Updated 17 March 2022 review 18 March 2023