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- How to stop Over Plucking Eyebrows
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Understanding over-plucking

Over plucking eyebrows is a body focused repetitive condition or BFRB
If the only hairs that you pull are eyebrow hairs, you have a very mild version of the condition and self-help may be enough. If you also pull eyelashes or head hair, we recommend you contact us as we really can help.
Eyebrows can be super easy to permanently damage
so over-plucking isn’t ideal.
Stop over plucking eyebrows
If your eyebrow plucking episodes relieve tension, or are accompanied by an obsessive tendency to pick or scratch, meditation and relaxation recordings may help.
Eyebrow Regrowth
Why Over Plucked Eyebrows May Not Recover (but YOU can)
Over-plucking can sometimes cause permanent eyebrow damage due to repeated trauma to the hair follicles. Here are some reasons why eyebrows might not recover:
1. Follicle Damage: Continuous plucking can damage hair follicles, making it difficult or impossible for hair to regrow.
2. Scarring: Repeated plucking can lead to scarring, which obstructs new hair growth.
3. Age: Hair growth slows with age, making recovery harder for older individuals.
4. Genetics: Some people may have a genetic predisposition to weaker hair follicles, which can be exacerbated by over-plucking.
Proper care and avoiding further plucking can sometimes aid in partial recovery.
Put your tweezers in a different place after each use to prevent overplucking eyebrows, it will take you longer to find them and while looking for them you have a little extra time to remind yourself to go easy with them.
Tips to stop eyebrow pulling
Gently rub a derma roller over your eyebrows to relieve itches.
If you have itchy eyebrows, don’t hesitate to use anti-itch creams on them, sparingly. Of course, at your own risk. The best solutions we have found are coconut oil (If you wear make-up, use the coconut oil in place of your usual make-up primer – it works great, especially with powder based cosmetics); anti-thrush creams like Canestan and hydro-cortisone creams. Many people have mentioned using KY jelly on their eyebrows helps because they don’t like the feel of it. Let’s just say eyebrows need genital handling – cringe!
You could of course have your eyebrows permanently removed and then tattooed back on, if the problem is extreme.
• Wear clear eyeglasses (available on Amazon)
• Record keeping is crucial to any form of habit change. Make a table consisting of hourly slots for each hour you are awake. In that table, make a dot every time you pluck a hair, next to the relevant hour. This will make you more aware of the habit itself.
Who you are, is not just about your appearance.
Learn to view yourself in the mirror as an overall picture, rather than over-focusing on aspects of your face. Imagine that you are looking at a face that is further away, diverge your eyes – or slightly defocus them. It can really help to start thinking in terms of “the face” rather than “my face”.
Raise decorative mirrors in your home to above your eye level, this will help you not to identify stray hairs, leading to overplucking eyebrows.
With increasing numbers of people concerned about their health, habits and appearance, many find themselves facing challenges with their behaviour. You are not alone if you over-pluck your eyebrows and help is available. You are unlikely to need help, though, if you follow these tips and ease up on yourself.