Stop Skin Picking mp3

Stop Skin Picking mp3

Stop skin picking using our relaxing recording. Easy to follow, clear English female voice; this downloadable MP3 is softly spoken and scripted to help you stop skin picking.

You can do it with the aid of this relaxing recording, provided you are dedicated to healing yourself and commit to playing it every day for 30 days. You could join the ranks of those who have become pick free by CD. If you need further help, the online coaching process is for you.

You are purchasing a download. If you would like a CD for an extra £2, please Contact Us after you have completed the transaction below. Thank you!


100% of sales through go back into the website and free support services provided by Trichotillomania Support. Nobody profits but YOU! See more of our products on our store page or at the website and store. Our treatment service operates entirely online, has a track history dating back to 1996 and must surely be the only BFRB treatment service with over a 95% success rate. While there is no cure for these conditions, there really IS a solution to skin picking.

Get in touch if you need advice, support or just want to talk to someone that truly gets it. We're here to support everyone, from individuals to whole families, and can help you get to grips with this condition. Help to stop skin pulling does exist!

