We are committed to educating people about trichotillomania and body focused repetitive behaviours. Our goal is particularly, to educate the public, schools and health professionals about how the condition feels and treating people with BFRBs sensitively as well as respectfully. Treating people respectfully often means not disclosing the condition to anyone without the person’s consent, so it can sometimes be difficult to find people with BFRBs willing to talk to the media or appear on camera. If you would like somebody from Trichotillomania Support to give a talk about trichotillomania, please contact us.
Trichotillomania Press
Trichotillomania is often portrayed in the press using extreme photographs and the individuals portrayed are rarely indicative of most people with trichotillomania. The majority of people who pull hair from their scalp, for example, retain 70% of their hair at all times. Baldness would only be revealed by parting the hair and looking closely. Extreme cases do exist but are much rarer than you might expect. Many female eyelash pullers cover their bald eyes with make up very cleverly and you would never notice.
One of the treatments that helps substantially with hair pulling is specialist treatment, tailored for trichotillomania.