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TOP 100 OR MORE TIPS TO STOP BFRBS – 100 tips to Stop Hair Pulling and Skin Picking

Thanks for dropping in on our BFRB tips list.  We have compiled a long list Of over 100 Tips To Stop Hair Pulling and Skin Picking. Whatever your BFRB, we’ve got you (and your thumbs!) covered. Ultimate BFRB self-help tips. There is more emphasis on keeping your hands busy but our tips will also be helpful for mouth-based BFRBs.  Self-help for BFRBs in bitesize chunks.

This FREE List Of  over 100 Tips To Stop Hair Pulling Has Been Made Possible By Users Of This Website: Real People With Trichotillomania and other BFRBs, who Have Provided These To Us By Completing Our Questionnaire.

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Trichotillomania Advice From Real People


Self-Care Tips for Trichotillomania

100 tips to stop bfrbs

Not being alone.

I find whenever I get the urge to pull, washing my eyes and eyebrows with cold water often reduces the urge.

Eat sprouted seeds & stroke them on my lips.

Writing Down How Many Times I Perform my BFRB And What Happened Just Before.

Watching trichotillomania or BFRB videos on YouTube.

Leave in conditioner.

Wet hair.

Exposure to Sunlight.

E-mailing my tric buddy.

Deep breathing for 30 seconds.

Play with a  tiny piece of velcro

Brush two silicone brushes together


Being involved and active.

self-care tips for BFRBs
self help for BFRBs

Forgive past mistakes

See our Forgiveness videos)

Stress relief techniques

Derma roller to play with: Note, there are two types and the spiky one is great for times of high tension.

Having my hands occupied

Turning cartwheels

Colouring or drawing

Asking for what I want.

Going climbing Always keep yourself busy! Or join some kinda sport.

Sewing, Rug making Kumihimo, knotting or plaiting threads

Sorting my sewing box while watching something.

Ways to manage Trichotillomania at Home

Journaling or writing

Squeezing a stress ball

Going out in public

Working out

Eating bananas

Playing a Podcast

Silly putty, clay, slime, play-doh etc.

Playing with Beanie Babies

Wearing a Beanie hat

Distracting myself from pulling

Free acceptance of my condition

Shaving my head! (extreme I know)

self-care tips for trichotillomania

Rubik cubes

Mascara that doesn’t clump

Plaster on my fingers

Going for a walk (free)

Getting physical with my partner

Pairing socks and sorting laundry

Record keeping

Stroking a pet

Wearing gloves

Plenty of Sleep

Playing good music and dancing or singing

Crochet or knitting, tapestry or cross stitch

Trichotillomania management strategies
BFRB management strategies

100 tips to stop bfrbs

Thinking about an event I want to look good at

Take a shower or run my head under the tap

False fingernails make gripping impossible

Reading only in public – i.e. on a bench in a park.

My personal Trichnotherapy coach

Studying at the library rather than home

SkyTrichster’s Trichster Tool Bag

Spinner ring to fiddle with discreetly

Throwing away the tweezers or giving them to someone to hide

Stroking a soft paintbrush or makeup brush on my skin or lips

Cutting out sugar, glucose caffeine and popcorn helps me be pull free

Wearing clear lens glasses makes me realise when I go to touch my eyes

Getting a new hair cut, colour or style that I love and don’t want to ruin

Making patterns with pins in a pin cushion, then pulling them out and starting over again.

BFRB management strategies

100 tips to stop bfrbs

Busy hands for BFRBs

Removing mascara with remover AS SOON as I get home

Getting up and doing something to take my mind off it

Social networking like Facebook 

Getting up and moving about as soon as my hands go there

Writing down why I hate tric and why my life will be better without it

Trim fingernails as short as possible so they can’t make a grip on hair.

My best tip is to play games on a computer or phone it keeps you occupied and your fingers going
Claw thumb rings which are brilliant as when you put them on there is no way in the world you can pull
Using my head massager before bed seems to be helping me to have more peaceful sleeps and prevent pulling

Trichotillomania Management Strategies

Put a few pics of people with nice hair up in places I look at often so I can have something to aspire to

I keep my correspondence in a box by the television so I can write cheques, pay bills and write envelopes while watching.

I usually play my guitar to relieve the urge to pull

Staying away from people who put you down 

One activity to help with the urge to pull is to have a pair of Yin Yang stress balls at hand. If I get in a fit, I pick them up and it occupies my pulling hand.  

Use cosmetic face masks whenever you feel the urge to pull your eyebrow hairs

Typing! You use both your hands to type so make up a story or something so your hands are occupied. It’s easier than writing because you have both hands on the keyboard!  You could even type out 100 tips to stop hair pulling and skin picking.

Look at your work-life balance. What small changes can you make, that will add up to a big difference?

For a child a substitute item would be a good idea. I would suggest one of those rubbery animal toys that would seem like a toy, but she could play with the little “fingers” that stick out all over the place to satisfy her need to fidget. I tried playing with my putty egg in bed the other night and it ended up in my hair! Whoops! But, I think anything age appropriate to “play with” can help her keep her fingers away from her eyes.

When I’m anxious or tricy I focus on my breathing. For each in and out I count one number, so it sort of ends up being 1, 1, 2, 2 etc. I find that forces me to concentrate on the counting as well as my breathing, and it usually sends me to sleep I find it very relaxing.

I only allow myself to watch anything for 30 minutes at a time. I can manage to stay pull free for 30 minutes.

Painting my nails: I don’t want to smudge it by pulling! I keep my nail polishes by the TV. Polishing my nails gives me time to refocus on something else and forget my urge.

Thanks for reading our 100 tips to stop hair pulling and skin picking as well as other BFRBs.

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