- About Trichotillomania
- UK BFRB Support Charity – Trichotillomania Support
- Why Do People Pull Their Hair Out?
- Trichotillomania Treatment and Skin Picking Services for BFRBs
- Hair Regrowth After Hair Pulling: Strategies and Information
- Understanding Symptoms of Trichotillomania and Other Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviours (BFRBs)
- Diagnosis of Trichotillomania
- Trichotillomania Treatment Research
- The BFRB Scale for Body Focused Repetitive Behaviours
Our treatment services (now with specialists at coaching.care) operates entirely online, has a track history dating back to 1996 and must surely be the only Trichotillomania treatment service with over a 95% success rate. While there is not a cure for this condition, there really IS a solution to hair-pulling.

A 50 minute session with a BFRB specialist, including tailored treatment plan.
Zoom, FaceTime, Email or Text Messaging
Tips & Techniques
Hypnotherapy is super fast & effective, as well as being the only way to converse with the unconscious mind. Video chat appointments.
Super speedy 40 day intensive program, which statistically is our most successful program.
Over 96% recovery success when completed.
“I never thought I would find a coach who pulled their own hair out, who had carved out their own clear path to freedom and could convey it clearly; let alone someone who totally “gets” me and what I feel deep down. The best part was identifying my values and teaching me to work towards them in every moment so that I feel empowered and in control”.
Ruby, Wales
A Learning Experience Which Raises Quality Of Life, With Lasting Effect

“I have walked the path to pull freedom myself, and returned to accompany others, many times, successfully. I can’t guarantee that you will triumph, because I can’t walk the path for you, but I can offer you my experience and understanding of the journey. I can keep you company and be your listening ear when things get tough. I can’t stop you turning back, but I can coax you gently forward until, in your own time, I believe you will reach the apex, to take your place alongside others just like you”.