Why do I need an online course to
stop hair pulling or skin picking?
Online Courses for BFRB recovery
Online courses are a great way to learn about your BFRB, whether coach-guided, with face-to-face coaching or self-guided. By building a foundation of knowledge before sessions you can spend them discussing your own life and circumstances. We can focus on what will help you specifically, rather than explaining terminology or answering common questions such as “Will my hair grow back?”. This will save you money and help your BFRB coaching feel like a safe and supportive environment.
We suggest creating a folder containing all important and relevant information for you that you can refer back to and add to as your recovery journey progresses. This folder can also contain a list of your triggers, strategies and coping mechanisms, and contact details for people you can reach out to in times of need.
All courses we have listed below are run by course leaders who have BFRBs and are in recovery. They know what you’re going through, and can help you through the ups and downs of your journey. Unless specified, courses work for all BFRBs.
The structure of the lessons seems to stimulate my brain’s need for organisation and understanding.

Terri Bakser