Trichotillomania Support
Help for BFRBs

We all feel down sometimes - take a deep breath, (don't grit your teeth) and move on - our small team of volunteers are here to help

We know how it feels – you felt stuck with this situation for a long time, you finally broke free of it and then it crept back in and it feels like you’re back to square one.  Setbacks happen to all of us, in every area of our lives, not just hair pulling. Slipping backwards is a part of life, but moving forward is our goal.

BFRB setbacks are still growth


Understanding BFRB Relapses: What You Need to Know

A BFRB slip-up is a setback, NOT proof of your weaknesses. Slipping back doesn’t mean that you can’t beat this, the time you were BFRB free can’t be taken away from you and that time is proof that you CAN beat this.

BFRBs often have periods of remission and relapse.  If you had another health problem, you wouldn’t beat yourself up if one day was significantly worse than the last. You would learn to deal with the illness by thinking positively and looking forward to the next good day.

For every person who is 100+ days BFRB free, there were many stretches of 2 days, 5 days, a week, a month and longer, all with relapses. Remission is ALWAYS just around the corner.

Self-Care Tips During a Relapse

During a relapse, self-care is crucial to help manage stress and regain control. Start by practicing mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing exercises or meditation, to stay grounded and reduce anxiety. Establish a routine that includes regular physical activity, as exercise can boost your mood and alleviate tension. Prioritise sleep by maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, as rest is essential for emotional resilience. Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether it’s reading, listening to music, or spending time in nature. Don’t hesitate to reach out to friends or family, for emotional support and encouragement – you don’t have to explain why, although doing so may be helpful. Self-compassion is key; be kind to yourself and reassure yourself that setbacks are a natural part of the recovery process.

A setback isn’t solid or written in stone, just moments of hopelessness, distress, anger … all transient. Just feelings, which, once expressed, help you see the light through the darkness. The only certainty in life is change. Who says there is no cure for BFRBs and trichotillomania? Prove the professionals wrong … Stub out that setback.

Everyone has bad days and that’s ok. You can learn to encourage yourself and (yes, honestly!) even reach out for help. You will get through your bad days and out the other side.

Your last good stint was not your last hope to become BFRB free.  A setback isn’t the end!


So you suffered a setback: just like the rest of us humans. We’ve all done it. Now is the time to emerge, pull-free and happy. YOU CAN DO IT.

You can switch your mindset to motivated and determined.  Just give yourself a kind, comforting pep-talk and we promise, your thoughts will upgrade and your mindset will turn a corner.  There is always hope. Never give up giving up!

The human mind LOVES to make excuses.  Why? Because excuses allow us to stay stuck, they allow us to keep pulling.