Lisa started pulling at 5 or 6

Is still searching for pull-freedom I first starting pulling my eyelashes out when I was about 5 or 6. I haven't a clue what triggered if off and have even had hypnotherapy to try and find out the cause. I have a distant memory of cutting my dolls' eyelashes off so I think it must've stemmed from something. I remember having lots of styes when I was a child. I must have looked like such a state at school as I always had bruised shiny eyes. I could kick myself when I think back now as ... VIEW POST

Laura has been pulling eyelashes since she was 7

Has overcome tric and found pull-freedom I started to pull out my eyelashes when I was 7 years old. First of all it was just a couple before I went to sleep at night and it seemed to calm me down so I could sleep better. Then I realised I had started to do at other times during the day. Usually if I was feeling stressed or bored. I started to notice little clumps of lashes were missing but never imagined anyone would notice. Then one night I don't know why but when I woke up I had ... VIEW POST

Fascination for follicles

Still on her journey to become pull-free Hey Guys, my name is Krystal. I'm 14 years old. I've been pulling my hair out for about a year now. My parents and I realized that I started pulling my hair out when I switched schools last year. But I made friends easily and had no problem with it. At first my friend showed me what split ends were. I started pulling out all my split ends. One time I accidentally pulled out the whole hair and saw the white root at the end. I thought it was cool ... VIEW POST

Kristina didn’t realise she had a problem

Now understands herself I have never been to the doctors because I didn't know I had a problem. I could never understand why all of a sudden I decided to pull at my eyelashes, and my eyebrows? Over time I still continued; at 13 I felt like a freak. It started to become noticeable, and people would always ask me, "Why don't you have any eyelashes?" I would think of all the most sensible lies, but I still never really knew. When I was 17, I worked at a hair salon, so it was less ... VIEW POST

Kati’s hair pulling is a vicious cycle

Her journey has lacked support from everyone who should have been there People of all ages can be cruel, and it takes a journey, truly, to realize that, especially ones with trich. When I was only in third grade, I started pulling out my beautiful, long, thick hair ... for reasons I didn't know, for reasons then I didn't care to know ... But children that young are so unforgiving ... and it started to take it's toll. And the more they asked me, the more I ripped from me ... not just hair, ... VIEW POST

Kat – hair pulling since 14

happy with where she is with Trichotillomania now  don't remember exactly when my hair pulling started. I do remember it didn't start with my scalp - it started, I think, when I was about 14 by plucking the hairs from my big toes - I hated the thought of having hairy toes. It progressed to my eyelashes, bottom lids only. It just felt nice, and then I didn't like to see stray lashes, so would pull them out. My best friend noticed and just thought it was odd, but I never spoke to her ... VIEW POST